co sleeping

Can you co-sleep and sleep train?

If you put co sleeping and sleep training together, what does it spell? The absolutely primal and uncontrollable impulse to stay close to your baby is so deeply rooted in our DNA that it’s almost frightening sometimes. I’m sure evolutionary defensive instincts are what’s at play in this phenomenon. However, it feels more like love

Child Sleep Consultant

Why invest in a sleep consultant?

As a child sleep consultant, there are a few questions I’ve grown accustomed to hearing. People are understandably curious about whether or not their child is going to cry, and if so, for how long. They want to know how long it’s going to take before baby starts sleeping through the night, and when they’ll

When your baby is sick

Sleep and sickness

When your baby is sick, nights can be interrupted. If you have worked hard to allow your child the ability to fall asleep independently to ensure they are a good sleeper through the night, and for day naps, the last thing you want to do is derail these skills over the period they get sick.