4 Month Regression

The 4 Month Regression

Just the mere mention of the 4 month regression can make parents quiver with fear… As a professional sleep consultant, I hear the term “regression” used in regards to just about every imaginable circumstance. Essentially, if baby doesn’t sleep well for a couple of nights, parents start dropping the ‘R’ word. Some people subscribe to

attachment parenting

Attachment Parenting and Sleep Training

Some would say that attachment parenting contradicts sleep training. As parents, we bare an enormous responsibility. It’s not just about keeping our little ones alive, warm, fed and happy. We’re all looking to raise exceptional human beings. We’re responsible for the quality of our children’s lives long after they’ve left the nest. Many of the

prevent wake ups

Preventing night time wake ups

Wake ups in the night can be one of the hardest things to deal with when you are already running low on sleep. Preventing night time wake ups are high on the list of priorities for many parents. I want to talk about the really popular question that I get asked: “My baby is falling

sleep training support

Getting your partner involved

As a provider of sleep training support, one of the most interesting aspects of my job is that I get to work so closely with such a wide variety of people and personalities. Coming into people’s homes, especially at a time when they’re vulnerable and emotional, lets you get to know them in a hurry.